Wearing PONY-O hair ties is like a smile for your hair!
How does a smile make you feel? Probably pretty good, and there's a reason for that. When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins kick in and come into play too. Wearing a smile is like an energy drink for your brain!
A lot of research suggests that smiles are actually contagious and I think that's right. When someone smiles at you, the natural inclination is to smile back, unless you're super grumpy at which point forcing a smile might actually change your POV. :)
Perhaps the most compelling reason to smile more is that it just might lengthen your overall lifespan. Genuine, intense smiling is associated with a longer, happier life. When we feel great, a smile comes naturally. It's an outward sign of joy, happiness, appreciation, amusement, excitement, and/or contentment.
Smiling can also:
- Boost the immune system
- Reduce pain
- Help you stay positive
- Relax the facial muscles and calm the nervous system.
So what does smiling have to do with a bendable hair accessory? Most of us have experienced the uncomfortableness of wearing an elastic hair tie. It's hard to think of smiling when there is tension on your follicle and you're on the verge of a headache.
- When your hair tie is comfortable, you can smile even more. Our patented, uniquely designed hair accessories never pull on your hair or create tension and breakage. With PONY-O bendable hair ties, you feel good AND you look good, which might lead to even more smiling!
- You can smile even more when your hair tie is durable! PONY-O hair accessories are designed to last hundreds of uses, unlike elastics and scrunchies that are designed to break and/or stretch out of shape. In the end, you're only spending pennies per wear on hair ties that really work. Having more money in your pocket? That'll make you smile.
- You can smile even more when your hair tie is secure. PONY-O and BUN BARZ hold any hair type securely because of the way you put it it. Lock it tight using our easy as 1, 2 shaping sequence, and you're good for the whole day. Or night. Work and play with confidence that your PONY-O hair tie will stay.
If you haven't tried PONY-O hair accessories yet, you should give them a try. PONY-O isn't sold in stores, so head on over to the website today and order yours!
Want to know more? Check out these blogs:
PONY-O is Older Than Scrunchies
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