Patent Information

 All Pony-O Products are patent protected worldwide. Images and printed material, including instructional booklets and website content, are copyright protected worldwide. PONY-O is a registered trademark worldwide. All rights reserved. Any infringement of Intellectual Property owned by Riot Accessories Ltd. without written consent, will face legal and financial consequences.


Patent numbers:

US: 9055800, US: 7331353, US: 12/559445, US: 10709222B2
AU: 2006262267, AU: 2009291565
CA: 2613450, CA: 2737211
CH: 2334214
CN: 101203156, CN: ZL2009801356434, CN: 209315088
DE: 2334214
DK: 2334214
EP: 06773659, EP: 2334214
FR: 2334214
GB: 2334214
IT: 502016000013259
NL: 2334214
SE: 2334214
Trademark: PONY-O
US: 3353580, WIPO: 1170806, WIPO: 1513559